Weird Media Storage
It turns out there's a lot of ways to store data. Even though most media is being streamed these days, some forms of physical media are still around like Blu-Ray discs, DVDs, and cartridges (switch). However, these are not the only formats that have existed. Many interesting ones have been lost to time.
For example, the SelectaVision VideoDisc was a VHS quality video format that released in 1981. The twist? It was pressed on vinyl like a music record. I presented a VideoDisc in my speech class this semester because they're so weird and cool. The VideoDisc never really took off, though, because they released after VHS and some other formats had already taken hold of the market.
There's also some other cool things like LaserDisc, which used optical technology like a DVD, but stored an analog signal instead of a digital one and was the size of a record.
Simple/Obsolete Hardware
There's a lot of really cool high-tech stuff out there, which is great, but sometimes you're in the mood for something that is old, barely works, and maybe is downright clunky. Behold, the Altair 8800. You write programs by flipping switches, and you must manually enter an address to boot a program, yet it still sounds like a jet engine while it's turning on. It doesn't look very micro, but compared to the computers of time it wasn't too bad.
Really. It's very healthy, and fun. And I'm going to be doing a lot of it after finals are over. If you're particularly spiritual or you keep crystals on your bedside table or something, you could even try doing some sleep activites like astral projection (which is where you transcend your corporeal form and float around). I mean, I haven't tried it, but maybe I should. It couldn't hurt.
Sleep and Mental Well-Being
Astral Projection
Lucid Dreaming